Launching Holisticare D3 1000

360 Creative Campaign Service

May 2021



Launching Holisticare D3 1000

About The Client

In May 2021, PT Indocare Citrapasific launched a new product – Holisticare D3 1000. It is a health supplement that containes Vitamin D3 – 1000iu to improve immune system for everyone during the CoVID-19 pandemic.

Problem Statement

As a new product in the market, the client wants Holisticare D3-1000 to be known as a practical supplement to fulfil Vitamin D needs for an active lifestyle. The audience includes office workers, fear of exposure to sunligth and women who wears hijab. The 3 personas are the type of people who would have a chance of Vitamin D deficiency caused by the lack of exposure to direct sunlight.

Their Story


Through several strategies and a series of activation that we collaborated with several related KOLs, Holisticare D3-1000 will be able penetrate the targeted market segment.

We held an activation campaign that started with a conversation by social media influencers on Twitter and Instagram. They discussed their worries of Vitamin D deficiency caused by the lack of exposure to sunlight after learning about it on articles.

Next, we held a virtual press conference launching Holisticare D3 1000 which are attended by 28 Journalists/Media along with more social media influencers that were involved in the prior conversation. During the conference, representatives of the product and doctors shares and address concerns in regards to Vitamin D deficiency.

We expect journalists to publish their stories on several media sites, and as for social media influencers, we expect them to create review and recommendations of Holisticare D3 1000 to their followers through conversations on Twitter or an Instagram Post.



Impressions on Social Media


Media attendance


Articles on the web

Holisticare KOL Screenshot
Holisticare D3 1000 Launch Webinar
Screenshots of Press release
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