Corporate Training Program for Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)

Corporate Training




Corporate Training Program for Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)

About The Client

Problem Statement

IDX has Representative Offices in 30 provinces. The role of employees at IDX Representative Offices is to organize educational and socialization activities for the community in their respective regions about the capital market. Certainly, in the process of these educational and socialization activities, there are unique challenges because trainers are expected to engage with communities in their areas that may have limited knowledge of the capital market. Every human resource at IDX Representative Offices is expected to create digital marketing materials for educational activities in the capital market to attract the audience's interest and be more easily accepted by the public.

Their Story


The trainers at IDX Representative Offices have the skills to deliver educational materials persuasively, aiming to ensure that participants easily grasp the knowledge provided and are interested in investing in the capital market.

We designed a two-day training program with four sessions, covering social media marketing, copywriting, storytelling, and hands-on practice in editing content using Canva. The class is also furnished with a brand canvas worksheet to cultivate participants' creative thinking about the social media accounts they manage.


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Corporate Training

Pelatihan Konsultan Hukum Asuransi PT Pegadaian

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